What's New in the ProSchool v3.0.9 Update
Due to customer feedback and input from the people we have
talked to, this release adds a few of the requested features and improvements.
We also squashed a bug or two along the way. Enjoy!
These features were added in the 3.0.9 update:
- Made a small change to how the self update wizard
determines the application directory to help prevent updates from storing
the new files into the wrong directory.
- Added the AddDropSched table to the Check/Regenerate
Indexes utility.
- Added an option to the Payment Receipts Log report to
allow you to Print/Post/Settle only the selected payment types you want.
This way you can settle and post specific payment types without settling the
ones you don't want.

- Added the option of only printing the declined auto pay
transactions on the Auto Pay Summary report.

- Modified the Income/Billing Summary By Department report
to more accurately reflect the month in which income was received and also
to fix a calculation error when computing the charge total for the month.
- Modified the Student Skills report and Student Skills
data entry screens to list the skills in the same sorted order as they are
listed on the Skill Groups definition screen. This will make the skills be
listed in the same order no matter where.
- Modified the Credit Card setup to add 2 new merchant card
processors. HPTS and NBS.
- Tweaked the HTML email generation to force the CSS to
inline with the HTML. This will make the emails slightly bigger but should
prevent the CSS from being eliminated by web-based email clients.
- Fixed an Invalid Pointer error that occurs when closing
the Reset Student Flags utility.
- Added the green AutoPay icon to the Ledger screen to
appear if the client is enabled for AutoPay.

- Modified the Aged Account Balance and Category Summary
reports to have an AutoPay filter option.

- Made a small change to the way the tables are opened on
the Payment Entry screen. This should improve the speed at which the screen
- Added the red critical comment icon to the Ledger screen
to appear if the client has one or more critical comments.

These features were added in the 3.0.8 update:
- Fixed a bug in the Class Summary report that was causing
the Name to not print then the report was printed "by Manager".
- Modified the tuition calculation to have the capability
to calculate sales tax on the tuition amount if the selected category is
marked as a taxable category. This should help New Mexico and a few other
states that need to collect sales tax on tuition.

- Added the ability to override the phone format. This was
done to facilitate foreign phone formats. A registry key is used to enable

- Added the ability to reset the QuickBooks processed
status of a selected posting date. This allows you to reprocess a given
posting date if the need arises.

- Modified the calculation of a posting date for deposit
processing to not include payments that were posted on the same date but
already processed. This allows for multiple deposits to be processed during
the day.
- Modified the Billing Based, Class Based, and Registration
charge entry calculation screens to have a charge date field so you can
specify what date the new charges should have when they are created.
- Fixed an issue on the Family screen when filtering
clients and browsing through the records using the next filtered record
button, the last payment information was not updating to reflect the new
- Added the ability from the Client Statements report
options screen to reset the last statement date for the selected clients.
This allows you to reset the statement date back so that charges and
payments processed following that date will appear on the statements as
current activity.

- Changed the way connections to the SMTP server are
processed to now use an ActiveX control to process the emails. This allows
ProSchool to use SSL/TLS to connect to the SMTP server.
- Added the ability to send a test email message directly
from the email configuration screen. This will make it easier to setup and
test the email configuration.

- Modified the CLIENTS.DB table to increase the size of the
Email field to allow for longer or more email address to be entered. The
size was increased from 40 to 128 characters.
- Added the ability to send HTML format emails. The Email
task now has a message editor that allows you to specify fonts, insert
pictures, documents, etc. The Client Statements that are emailed are also
now sent in HTML format.

- Fixed a problem when listing multiple email addresses in
the Email field on the Family screen that would cause an invalid email
address error to occur.
- Modified the Process Credit Card payment screen to enable
the use of "Use on File" if a credit card is stored even if AutoPay is
disabled for that client.
- Added the ability to attach files to the Email

- Added the ability to schedule adding classes, dropping
classes, and transferring classes. This can be done either from the Family
screen or the Class Information screen. The normal Add, Drop, Transfer
toolbar buttons will now drop down a menu with the option to do that task
now or schedule it. There is a new menu option on the Utilities menu called
Process Scheduled Tasks. This will allow you to see the scheduled task list,
delete a task, or process them. When ProSchool loads it will check to see if
there are any scheduled tasks that need to be processed and a prompt asking
if you want to process them will be given. The Class Availability screen
will take into account scheduled adds and drops when calculating the
available space in a class on any given date. However, the tuition
calculation does NOT look at scheduled tasks. If you have tasks that need to
be performed that will have an effect on the tuition calculation then you
should process those tasks first and then calculate the tuition.

- Modified the Registration calculation to fix an issue
where students who are enrolled in future classes were being charged
registration. The registration calculation now treats future classes the
same as the tuition calculation.
- Added the student names to the Parent Information section
of the Account Ledger screen.

- Modified the Category Summary report to include the
option to filter the report to list only those charges that include a
specified Department in the charge details or discounts.
- Modified the Teacher Schedule to include the ability to
filter the classes displayed. The standard class filtering choices are
displayed at the bottom of the screen. The same filtering applies to all
selected teachers.
- When adding a student to the wait list, ProSchool will no
longer clear the quit date until the student actually enrolls.
- Changed the Makeup & Free Class Schedule screen remember
the last setting of the "Show only upcoming classes".
- Modified the Process ATM/Credit card screen to have
fields to enter the billing address and zip code for the credit card. Values
are automatically provided from the Clients data but can be edited prior to
processing the card if the address info is not correct for the card being
processed. This should allow you to better qualify for lower rates because
you'll be able to make sure the address gets a good AVS response.
- Modified the Pick Class, Classes, Family, and Class
Availability screens to show the number of scheduled adds and drops similar
to how the current, free, and makeup counts are shown.
- Added a button to the Pick Class and Class Availability
screens to show the Add/Drop schedule for the selected class.
- Added the option to filter the Client Statements based on
the AutoPay status of the Client.

- Added Active Status and Enrollment Criteria filtering
options to the Auto Pay Listing report.

- Added an Active flag to the Teachers database so you can
mark a Teacher Active or Inactive. If the teacher is inactive this will
remove the teacher from appearing on teacher selection lists but does not
remove the teacher from the database or take that teacher off any classes or
students they have been assigned to.

- Added Select and Unselect buttons to the Process Email
Statements screen to make it easier to select and unselect which clients to
send email statements to.

- Modified the Teacher/Classes Schedule so that when
selecting a group of teachers or classes using Shift-Click it will now
unselect as well as select depending on the current selection status.
- Modified the email All Clients function to provide a list
of clients to be processed and allow you to select which of those clients
you want to process.

- Modified the Print Labels export to include the email
address when exporting data to a CSV file.
- Added the ability to log emails to a log file when
sending emails or email statements.

- Added the ability to specify a SQL query as a means of
selecting which clients to send emails to. The SQL query must return a
client_id as one of the result fields.

- Added a new report called Enrollment Detail. This report
lists all the students who are currently enrolled. You have the option of
selecting specific class criteria as well as a start date range.

These features were added in the 3.0.7 update:
- Fixed an issue with the Process Email Statements that would
cause an Invalid Variant error if the client ID was using the old "AA9999"
format instead of just numbers.
- Modified the Family Information screen to have a new
option to allow you to Right-Click on a class and then choose "Go to
Class..." on the popup menu. This will take you to the Class Information
screen with that class showing and the student selected.

- Modified the Backup/Restore utility to fix a Windows
Vista related issue where the restore operation would not complete
- Added Windows Vista manifest information to make the
program more Vista Compatible.

- Modified the Family screen to refresh the Student list to
reflect any changes made to Free and/or Makeup classes.
- Modified the Class Availability screen to show
availability counts for those days that are in the past but the color for
those dates will be silver. You can select one of these past dates but a
question will be prompted asking if the past class date is really the one
you wanted.
- Fixed an issue with the attendance dates not printing on
the 2nd page of the Roll Sheet above the attendance boxes.
- Fixed a bug in the Payment Receipts Log report that would
cause the printed output to not be complete if the report was printed from
the Preview screen and there was only a single payment on the report.
- Fixed an issue in the tuition calculation with
multi-class discounts that are dollar based with settings NOT per-student
and NOT per-class. The calculation was giving the discount for every class
in the family instead of just giving the discount once for the whole family.
- Modified the Roll Sheet report to have the option to not
print the students birthdate/age or the clients name on the report for
privacy reasons.

These features were added in the 3.0.6 update:
- Fixed bug in the Refund Account Credit where certain
amounts would cause an error about the amount not being in the required
- Fixed an issue with fixed rate tuition amounts still
having multi-class discounts applied. Multi-class discounts are now not
included in the multi-class discount calculation but sibling discounts will
still be applied as they always have.
- Fixed a bug in the Student Class list on the Family
screen which would not show class duration for a class that was offered on
- Modified the Family screen to not allow partial phone
numbers to be entered. Phone numbers can still be left blank but if entered
they must be complete.
- Modified the Family screen to show an icon to indicate
that the client has Auto Pay enabled.
- Created a new report that list the clients that are
enabled for Auto Pay. It lists their name, phone number, credit card info
(number is masked), and some remarks as to their status. The status can
indicate expired cards, invalid numbers, etc. The report options allow you
to filter the report to list only those with expired or invalid credit card

- Made a few modifications to the Class Availability screen
to hopefully speed up the display when you select different classes.
- Modified the Class Information screen to have a new
option to allow you to Right-Click on a student and then choose "Go to
Family..." on the popup menu. This will take you to the Family screen with
that family and student showing.

- Modified the Class Information screen to have a new
option to allow you to Right-Click on a student and then choose "Go to
Ledger..." on the popup menu. This will take you to the Ledger screen with
that client showing.

- Modified the Process Auto Pays screen to preview the
reports first. You can then print a hard copy from the preview screen if
needed. However, printing the Summary report when prompted following the
actual processing of credit cards, will be sent directly to the printer with
no preview first.
- Modified the Auto Pay screen to not show the entire
credit card number. This makes the entire credit card system completely
secure as the credit card numbers are NEVER displayed or printed in a
complete form.
- Modified the Class Availability screen to set the initial
keyboard focus on the Class Code field.
- Modified the Birthday Summary report to have a new option
to not print the birthdate on the labels.

- Modified the Birthday Summary report to have a new option
to filter the report to students that are a within a specified age range.

- Modified the Quick Payment Entry screen to set the
internal LastClientID setting so that after you are finished with Quick
Payment Entry opening the Family or Ledger screens will have the Last client
you worked on already selected.
- Modified the Tuition, Registration, and Billing Based
charge entry screens to have an indicator to show the number of records
processed out of the total to be processed as well as an estimated time
remaining to complete the operation.
- Modified the Income by Department and Income by Category
reports to have the ability to filter the report by Category or Department

- Made many changes to facilitate support for having 2
merchant accounts for use with PCCharge. This will allow you to have a
Retail and MOTO account and have credit cards that are processed as swiped
transactions processed using the Retail account and non-swiped transactions
processed using the MOTO account.

- Modified the Payment Receipts Log report to have a new
column on the summary page so there is now 2 columns for credit card
amounts. One for Retail (CCard-R) and one for MOTO (CCard-M). If you only
have one merchant account all credit card transactions will be listed in the
Retail (CCard-R) column.
- Modified the tuition calculation to not include students
with fixed tuition amounts in the sibling discounts if the option to include
them has been turned off.

- Modified the Class Availability screen to colorize the
dates of the selected month that are in the past as well as to not show any
availability counts for those days that are in the past.
- Added buttons to the Class Availability screen to let you
view the Enrolled and Waiting lists for the selected class.

- Modified the Family screen to fix an issue when deleting
students that would appear to cause a random student on the list to be
selected following the deletion. Now the next student on the list is
selected regardless of how the list is sorted.
- Made a minor change to how attempts to settle credit card
batches through PC Charge that do not contain any transactions are handled.
Instead of showing an error message that says that there aren't any
transactions it now shows a nicer warning message instead.
- Modified the Payment Receipts Log report to have a new
column on the summary page so there are now 2 columns for credit card refund
amounts. One for Retail (Ref CC-R) and one for MOTO (Ref CC-M). If you only
have one merchant account all credit card refund transactions will be listed
in the Retail (Ref CC-R) column.
- Modified the Client and Student search screens to respond
to mouse wheel scrolling.

- Made a few changes to the email functions to provide
appropriate error messages if the email configuration is not setup properly.
- Modified the Income by Category and Income by Department
reports to use the Posted Date for filtering payments instead of the Payment
Date. All financial reports use the Posted Date for selecting payments and
these two reports were incorrectly using the Payment Date.
- Modified the Auto Pay Listing to show any accounts with
any remarks when printing only those with problems.
- Modified the Drop Detail report options to include an
Active Status choice so that the report can be filtered to show students who
have dropped classes that are still currently Active or currently Inactive.

- Fixed some issues on the Maintain Enrollment Snapshots
screen that was causing the filter to not be updated when the date was
- Modified the Class Based Charges screen to add the option
of selecting which Department should be used when creating new charges.

- Modified the Payment Entry screen to speed up the initial
display of the screen so the time from clicking on the New Payment icon on
the Ledger to the display of the Payment Entry screen will be faster.
- Modified the Process AutoPay function to process the
clients alphabetically so that the Preview and Summary reports will list the
clients sorted by last name instead of client id.
- Added an option to the Payment Receipts Log report to
allow you to Print/Post/Settle only the Credit/ATM payments. This way you
can settle and post your credit card batch each night without having to post
the cash/check payments just in case you don't want to process those until a
later date.

- Modified the Process EMail Statements function to provide
a list of clients to be processed and allow you to select which of those
clients you want to process.

- Modified the Attendance Summary report to allow you to
select all or a specific student to be included on the report.
- Modified the Roll Sheet report and Roll Sheet options to
allow the report to be customized even more. You can now control which
header and detail items are printed or not. The size of the header
dynamically adjusts based on the amount of information displayed. The report
can now be printed in Landscape too.

- Modified the Email client filter to allow filtering on
Student data fields too.
These features were added in the 3.0.5 update:
- Fixed the error "Can't focus a disabled or invisible
These features were added in the 3.0.4 update:
- Modified the title of the screen used when resetting a
password to not indicate changing a password. It was confusing.
- Modified the Payment Entry screen to position the cursor on
the date field when doing Quick Payment Entry and the Memo field when doing a
normal payment from the Ledger screen.
- Modified the Teacher/Class Schedule to allow you to select
multiple entries by Shift-Click to select a range.

- Fixed a bug in the Drop No Pay utility that was causing a
"Master has Detail records" error while processing.
- Changed the text on the Payments Receipt Log report options
screen to read "Unposted Payments" instead of "Since last post" to make it
- Fixed an issue that could cause a different client to be
active when switching from the Family screen to the Ledger screen after using
the binoculars to find a client instead of using the magnifying glass icon.
- Modified the Wait List Summary report to include any
comments that were entered.
- Fixed an error when printing labels from the Birthday
Summary report when printing the clients name instead of the students. The
error was about the Birthdate field.
- Modified the Edit Payment screen to allow you to change the
payment type as long as the payment has not been processed into QuickBooks and
the payment was not a debit/credit card transaction that was processed through
PC Charge. Acct, Xfer and Refund payment types cannot be changed.

- Modified the Ledger screen to allow you to delete payments
that have been locked due to posting. Payments that are posted or that have
been processed into QuickBooks become locked and will show a lock icon. A
different color lock icon will be displayed depending on the status of the
payment. No icon indicates that the payment has not been posted. A Green lock
icon indicates that the payment has been posted and a Gold icon indicates that
the payment has been processed into QuickBooks. If the payment does NOT have a
Gold icon then it is now possible to delete that payment. This includes
payments that have been posted and are showing a Green icon.

- Modified the Refund Account Credit process to allow you to
adjust the amount of the refund. You can now enter any refund amount up to a
maximum equal to the account credit amount.

- Modified the Configuration screen to have an option to
select how to calculate the total hours per week for the Hourly tuition codes.
You have the choice of "by Family" or "by Student". ProSchool's default method
is "by Family" since this is the method that was used before this choice was

- Modified the Hourly tuition type calculation to compute
hours/week totals depending on the configuration setting. If the setting is
"by Family" no other discounts (sibling or multi-class) are offered as the
discount is built-in to the rate table. If the setting is "by Student" then
the Sibling discount setup will be used if it has been enabled.
- Modified the Family screen to enforce a 20 character
maximum on the City field.
- Modified the Student Information window title to say "Add
Student" or "Edit Student" instead of just "Student Information" so that it
doesn't have the same heading as the section on the Family screen.
- Fixed a bug in the Birthday Summary report. The report
would not print inactive students and if you chose Both for the active status
all students would be indicated as being active on the report even though they
are really inactive.
- Fixed an issue where a receipt would not print for a credit
card payment even though the print receipt option was checked. The is
specifically when PC Charge is NOT enabled.
- Changed the IP Address editor field on the Configuration
screen to one that works a little better.
- Modified the Configuration screen to have an option to
select the SMTP Server port number. The default is port 25.

- Modified all the email functions to utilize the customized
port setting from the configuration.
- Modified the TEACHER.DB table to add a field to hold the QB
List ID of the Employee. This is to support the ProBooks software that is soon
to be released.
- Fixed a problem with the Class Based charge calculation. A
change was made to have the department for the new charges set to that of the
selected class instead of assuming that the category would have a department
assigned. The way that classes are selected was changed to improve
- Modified the Configuration screen to have an option to
select the default statement option. The default is "Print".

- Modified the Family screen to utilize the new default
Statement Option choice.
- Modified the Edit Payment screen to allow you to change the
refund type as long as the payment has not been processed into QuickBooks and
the payment was not a debit/credit card transaction that was processed through
PC Charge.

- Modified the Process Auto Pays feature to add the
capability to filter the charges that will be used to determine the balance to
be charged to the credit card. This allows you to only auto pay for certain
types of charges like only tuition.

- Added a drop down list of available statement memos to the
Ledger screen so that you can select which statement memo to print when
printing a statement from the Ledger screen.

- Changed the database referential integrity such that the
Attendance records no longer require that the Class records must exist. This
was changed to allow for classes to be deleted but still be able to retain
attendance information for those classes.

- Modified the Attendance History and Makeup/Free Class
schedule screens to handle the situation where the attendance information may
be referring to a class that no longer exists. In this case, "** Class Deleted
**" will appear on the screen where the class name would appear.
- Added "Any/Current/Future" filters to the Class
Availability screen.

- Added the ability to copy a planner item. Just right-click
on the item and choose Copy.

These features were added in the 3.0.3 update:
- This version was never made officially released.
These features were added in the 3.0.2 update:
- Made a small change to the BDE Config checking code to not
require write privileges when checking the configuration settings. This was
done to eliminate the error "Cannot find Engine configuration file."
- Made another small change when fixing the BDE Config. A
message will now be displayed when the configuration is successfully updated
to inform the user that rebooting the computer is needed for the changes to
take effect.
- Fixed an issue with the Auto Pay preview report. It would
only list those clients that had Auto Pay disabled instead of the other way
- Modified the Payment Entry screen to always save the check
number regardless of what payment type.
- Began integration of new Online Help file by setting help
context id's for each screen.
- Modified the Family screen to change the way Attendance and
StudentSkill records are deleted when deleting a client. The old method was
causing the delete process to take an extremely long amount of time to process
those 2 tables. This change was also implemented into the Client Activity
report when deleting matching clients.
- Added the ability to have ProSchool check for new updates
automatically once a week. When ProSchool is launched, it will check to see if
it needs to look for new updates by seeing if it has been a week since the
last time it checked. If so, it will check for new updates. If new updates are
available, a message will be displayed allowing the user to decide if they
want to install it or not.

These features were added in the 3.0.1 update:
- Fixed an issue on the Family, Classes, Class Avail, and
Pick Class screens that could cause an "Invalid variant type conversion" error
to be displayed. This is cause by a class that does not have a Future Class
value defined for it.
- Fixed an issue with the Income/Billing Summary report where
the Acct total on the right side would be doubled if the report was printed
from the preview.
- Added the option to print the Income/Billing Summary report
totaled by Category or by Department. When printing by Category, the charge
amounts fall in the month based on the charge date. When printing by
Department, the charge amounts are based on the adjustments that are made to
the charge and the date the adjustments are made. Adjustments include the
original charge amount.

- Fixed an issue with the Roll Sheet report. The "*" that
prints next to the birthdate to show that the student has a birthday coming up
was printing incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue with the Client Statement report that would
cause an Invalid Bitmap error if no company logo had been loaded.
- Fixed an issue with the Resource Planner and Teacher/Class
Schedule. If the Display Start and End times are adjusted, the next time you
open the Options screen, the times will not be correct and will have to be
reset again.
- Made a small change to the Email screen to show the email
address of the client when Single Client is chosen.
- Modified the Family screen to correctly refresh the student
information to show the Quit Date when the students last class is dropped.
- Made a change to the Payment Receipts Log report to fix a
possible issue that would cause the report to not print completely if printed
from the preview.
- Fixed an issue with printing labels from the Client
Activity report where it would cause an error because of an invalid field
- Modified the way Encryption/Decryption of credit card
numbers is handled to fix an issue where the encrypted/decrypted credit card
number would become corrupted and no longer be a valid credit card number.
- Fixed a "Type Mismatch in Expression" error that could be
displayed when printing the Missed Class Summary report. The problem has to do
with 1 or more classes that do not have any days offered checked.
- Modified the Family screen to show the Start Time and
Duration for the enrolled and waiting list classes.

- Modified the Class Information screen to allow you to
access the Student Skills from the list of enrolled students.

- Modified the Class Summary report to have the option of
group by Department.
- Made a change to the Class Information screen so that when
a class is deleted and the class has students enrolled, it will process all
the drops first before deleting the class. This way the students will get
History records created and their Quit Date will be updated accordingly.
- Modified the CONFIG.DB table to increase the SMTP User ID
field and to add a couple of additional fields to support SMTP authentication.
- Modified the Configuration screen to accommodate the new
SMTP email options.
- Modified the EMail and Statement EMail features to utilize
a new method of performing SMTP email. This new method can utilize SMTP
authentication which many SMTP servers require.
- Made a small change to the Client Statement report to
hopefully fix an issue that was causing the logo to print completely black in
some cases. Not sure if this will fix it but we'll see.
- Modified the Class Information screen to allow you to view
the Make-up/Free Class schedule for the selected class.

- Modified the Class Information screen to show the number of
upcoming Makeups and Free classes on the class list along with the number of
students enrolled and on the wait list. The Class Type column was removed to
make room for the 2 new columns. The numbers reflect the number of students
who have Makeups or Free classes scheduled for that class dated today or in
the future. Any past scheduled entries will not be included in the count.

- Modified the Make-up/Free class schedule screen to have the
option to show only upcoming entries or to show all entries. The default is to
show only upcoming entries.
- Modified the Attendance.DB table to have a new index called
xClassDate that is based on the Class_Code + AttendDate and a new index called
xStudentDate that is based on the Student_ID + AttendDate fields.
- Modified the Search for a Class screen to also have columns
that list the number of students in upcoming scheduled Makeups and Free
classes. Also added a button to let you open the Make-up/Free Class schedule
for the selected class.

- Modified the Family screen to add columns to show the
number of upcoming Make-up/Free classes each student has.
- Added a new feature to allow you to be able to view the
Attendance History for a student by selecting that student on the Family
screen and then clicking the Attendance History button to view the history.

- Added a Test PinPad and Test Receipt Printer button to the
Configuration screen to make it easier to test the setup of those devices.

- Added 2 new reports. Income by Department and Income by
Category. Both of these reports will let you specify which Dept/Cat to print
or All and a date range for payments. The reports list the payment information
that is particular to the Dept/Cat. The report is subtotaled by the Dept/Cat
with a final total at the end of the report.

- Fixed an issue that would cause the Automatic Tuition
calculation to prorate everyone's tuition if prorate was marked as a default
when creating a tuition charge from the Ledger screen.
- Fixed an issue on the Class Information screen when you
change a class code the teachers for that class would disappear from the list
temporarily until you changed to a different class and then came back.
- Fixed a problem with the Client Activity report that would
cause it to not print the correct clients.
- Fixed a refresh issue on the Ledger screen where the credit
remaining would not be updated to reflect an automatic payment made while
creating a tuition charge.
- Added the ability to sort the Payment Receipts Log report
by First or Last Name.

- Added the ability to sort the labels when printing mailing
labels from the reports. There is a new button on at the top of the screen
that allows sorting by various fields.

- Fixed an issue with the Auto Pay preview report. It was
showing all clients with Auto Pay records regardless of whether or not they
were enabled.
- Modified the Client Statement Options screen to allow you
to be able to specify specific date ranges for balance criteria beyond the
specific periods given. This used to be only enabled when a specific category
was selected but it was changed to be enabled regardless of category.
- Modified the security screen in Configuration so that the
Change password is now a reset password. You no longer have to know the old
password in order to reset it to a new one. The user can still change their
password like always using the Change Password option on the Utilities menu.
- Fixed an issue on the Family screen that could cause a
"Record Already Locked" error when editing/adding/dropping classes if the
parent info was in edit mode.
- Made many modifications throughout the program to change
the way that the exclusive locking mechanism for generating record id's is
handled. It will no retry to obtain an exclusive lock on the NEXTID.DB table
1000 times with a 20ms wait between retries. This allows up to 20 seconds of
retry time which should be an eternity since record id's are typically
generated in approx 1-2 milliseconds. This change was implemented in an
attempt to eliminate the possibility of invalid or missing records due to the
failure to obtain an exclusive lock on the table.
- Decreased the time it takes to calculate tuition by 34%.
- Made a small correction to the tuition calculation for
multi-class discounts where the discounts are computed By Student and not By
Class. This was causing a discount to be applied even though the student only
had 1 class.
- Changed the Makeup Summary report into an Attendance
Summary report. This report has the same info as the Makeup Summary plus it
can print the Absent/Present attendance records as well. The options screen
was changed to allow you to pick which types of attendance records you want to
print as well as adding sorting options.
- Fix a bug that would not allow the statement to be printed
from the Ledger screen if The reports screen had never been opened previously.
- Fixed an issue with the tuition calculation that could
cause discounts to calculate with cumulative rounding. In other words,
depending on your discount setup, it was possible using percentage based
multi-class discounts that are rounded to whole dollars to calculate the
percentage discount for each class/student individually instead of as a whole
and therefore accumulate rounding errors. Example: 2 classes @ $25 each with a
10% discount applied to the total. This should be a $5 discount ($50 x 10%)
however it would have been calculated as ($25 x 10%) rounded to $3 twice for a
$6 discount.
- Made a small change to how errors sending emails are
handled. It now gives the option to continue trying to send the remaining
messages (if any) or to abort.
- Modified several of the Code screens to remove the Auto
Search feature that was getting in the way of data entry when tabbing from
column to column. It is now easier to enter data.
- Added a new report for Student Skills.

- Added a new option to have ProSchool check the ProSchool
website for new updates. This allows ProSchool to check when new versions are
available and download and install the updates.

- Added a new option under Database Maintenance for
Reinitializing the database.

- Fixed an issue that could cause a different client to be
active when switching from the Family screen to the Ledger screen.